Thursday, 23 February 2017

Recall commonly used fraction, decimals and percentage conversions

\In Maths we have been learning to convert between fractions, decimals , percentages and vice versa.
Here is a link to our online modelling book.
Modelling Book

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.

You can find evidence of this in my math book on the 2/3/17

My next learning step in Maths is to be able to answer the IXL questions fast and easily.

Painting The Bins - Merit Bog Post #6

Today at lunch time as soon as the bell rung All of the house leaders got on spare clothes and went to the bins to paint them for our special project. We all wrote put house color names on the front of each bin and it was really fun to decorate them. After we were done I had paint on my hands and cormac wanted to make his white shirt red for his house so I got to put paint on his shirt too and I thought that was a really creative idea as well. I showed leadership while painting the bins by helping out the other captains when I was finished and Definitely not wasting any paint ahaha.

Drums - Merit Blog Post #5

This week at drums I have started to figure out accents again. Accents are when you strike the cymbal and then you do a ghost note (tap lightly). It seems very easy to do by the,delve but then when you incorporate it into a beat, wven th simpliest beat, its really difficult to keep track of th kick and the drum. I showed Leadership at my drum lesson by helping my partner get some on the beats that I already new.

A.2 Make a set of cards to give to a member of you family over the year - Merit Blog Post #4

For the last 3 days I have been working on a range of birthday cards to give to every member of my family on the day of their birthday. I choose Birthday cards because when you are making them you don't have to have a specific theme, you can put whatever the person whos birthday it is likes.This is how they turned out...

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Use factors multiples and powers, including square roots.

In Maths we have been learning:
Divisibility rules up to 10.
Simple powers to 10.
Square roots of perfect squares.
Common factors of numbers to 100, including highest common factor.
Least common multiples of numbers to 100.

Here is a link to our online modelling book:
                  Modeling Book

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning:
Slide Of All Of My IXL Screenshots

My next learning step in Maths is to get up to year 10 maths and to be able to understand high and low common factors a lot easier.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

C6: Find A Way To Help Thoses In Need - Merit Blog Post #3

Over The last weekend/week I have been collecting old clothes that I haven't worn for a long time and I have been putting them in a bunch of huge black bags and giving them to the Salvation Army and other companies that take clothes and have given them to people who don't have enough money to buy brand new clothes. I have filled 3 black bags and have given away more than half of my collection of clothes. When I was finished my mum and I went down to the super market and dumped them into one of the clothing bins and thoses get shipped out to the shops and to other people. I hope that they have gone out to deserving people who need them more than me.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Drums - Merit Blog Post #2

This week at drums was my first week back from the Christmas holidays. At the drum lesson we talked for a bit about what we were going to do for the rest of the year and i also carried on with the song i was doing last year and i am also chosen to do a new song named "the big big bang" by the rock mafia. The care value i showed a drums was respect because i let the teacher do what he had to do to explain what we are doing this year.

Contributing To The School - Merit Blog Post #1

For the past week or two all of the student leaders have been coming together to figure out a good idea that can involve the entire school. So far we have come up with a few ideas E.G 4 different colored rubbish bins so the houses can get points for their houses easily and also help the school at the same time, having a fun day for the Kowhai house to get people hyped up for the year. The care value I showed in this meeting was active thinking because i tried my best to contribute to the discussions.

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